
2015 + a video

photograph by austin schmid

i hope you all have had a wonderful holiday. i celebrated mine with a trip to the west village (shot in the video above). there's been a lot of resting, reviving, creating, and laughing in the rael household. it feels great. 

as 2015 nears its close, i decided to share a few of my favorite things:

1. favorite songs that i've listened to this year

2. favorite photographs taken this year

3. favorite youtuber that i found this year

4. favorite video that i found this year

5. favorite music video that i found this year

6. favorite blog of the year

7. favorite tumblr post of the year

8. favorite shop of this year

9. favorite source of inspiration of the year

10. (one of many) favorite photographers of the year


you can listen to the playlist of my favorite-songs-that-i've-listened-to-this-year below.

that's all i wanted to share this week. 

have a wonderful day everyone.


found artists: joji baratelli

this is joji ('s work). 

joji is a teen photographer with a great eye for detail and contrast and texture and color. last summer, while i was in LA, we met up and traveled around santa monica and photographed what we saw. what resulted were various hues of greens and blues–– typical for los angeles.

i wanted to share one of my favorite projects of his: paper. this series (which completely caught my eye) was shot entirely with an iphone and processed in VSCO. i think what really drew me towards these particular shots was light in contrast with shadow, two elements that i like to play around with in my own work. his high-contrast photography is my personal favorite, but all of his other photos are taken just as skillfully.

i also really respect joji's street photography. i've always been a little discouraged when asking to take people's pictures, resorting to taking faceless portraits instead. joji is pretty dauntless in this field, and for this reason (and many others), i really admire him as a photographer. 

you can take a look at his work on his VSCO, his vimeo, or his instagram.

joji is definitely a creative to watch out for.