
moderna museet in stockholm, sweden

skogskyrkogården in stockholm, sweden

the cabin at the treehotel, northern sweden

the morning of our departure from northern sweden

moderna museet in stockholm, sweden

"stop smiling!"

a live art piece. good thing they had clothes on...

a wall in helsinki, finland

i didn't really realize how far behind i am on my summer school work. it's okay i guess– i can figure it out, but i'm trying to enjoy the summer as much as i possibly can. quite easy for me to do at the moment. 

we've been in scandinavia for about a week now with one week left in copenhagen and stockholm (again). it's been a pretty amazing experience. my mom, q and i have found such cool things just walking around these tremendously beautiful cities. i did not want to bombard you, reader, with so many photographs at once; however, i have uploaded all of my favorites to my portfolio:

stockholm day 01, stockholm day 02, northern sweden day 01, northern sweden day 02, and helsinki

for those who live in these areas or who are thinking of traveling to scandanavia, i compiled a list of places that we went (that i hope you can check out + enjoy) (list will be updated when we visit copenhagen!):


  • moderna museet (museum of modern art)
  • pärlans (homemade caramel shop)
  • järna (flower shop @ hornsbrukgatan 24)
  • talent gallery (print shop)
  • arkitektur och designcentrum (architecture/design museum)
  • hammarby sjöstad observatorium (water landscape)
  • gro (small, set-menu restaurant)
  • lilla ego (restaurant)
  • oaxen slip (restaurant)


  • urban a (clothing store)
  • vitra store (furniture [!])
  • pino (modern trinkets)
  • plootu (coffee shop)
  • formverk (furniture)
  • pastor (asian fusion restaurant)

happy summer, everyone.


Posted on August 23, 2015 and filed under travel, i take photos.