found artists: lorraine loots

the other morning i stumbled upon lorraine loots, an artist who is known for her "paintings for ants". her work is incredible– the microscopic details that are so realistic and intricate they seem life-size. she explains the project and the process of creating in her vimeo video above.

every day for a year (starting on january 1, 2015), lorraine designed and created a new painting on a 10cm x 10cm piece of watercolor paper. do you see the pencil to painting ratio? i don't even know if i could write a letter that small... i could keep scrolling through all of her little notecards and just stare in awe. 

i wish i had the patience and delicacy to do what she does because it truly is impeccable.

do you have any artists you admire? 

Posted on April 16, 2015 and filed under this was found.