Posts filed under i share stuff



i think persistence is good.

you try over and over to get something right, to compromise, to change yourself to fit a circumstance or try to fix the circumstance itself to just feel better.

you try again and again and again and again. different ways, different situations, different strategies. it’s like an infinitely-shifting puzzle – once you find a piece that fits amid the thousands of pieces, the puzzle re-scrambles itself.

it’s admirable and it makes you stronger. it can also hurt.

sometimes things don’t shift as you expect them or need them to. as hard as you try to alter circumstances, maybe sometimes they’re not meant to change at all. but stay fixed and unfaltering, because that’s just the way they intrinsically are. they just are.

and i can’t keep trying.

i will not lose any more energy on a persistent and false/blinded sense of hope.

i’m ready to move on. no “i think’s” or “maybe’s”. there is no more time for that.

love, izzy

Posted on February 12, 2020 and filed under i take photos, blah blah blah, i share movies, i share stuff.

want me back


i’m building this playlist as i’m writing and thinking and generally reflecting on the past 24 days since i’ve written last. listen to it if you want while you read.

i told my therapist today that even though i’ve been going through a lot of (sh*t) stuff, i’ve become more self-aware. i’m more cognizant of what i need and how i need to make myself feel better. i’m in new york city for 10 more days before i go ‘home’, and then i start school and hopefully everything’s back to normal again.

i explained to someone the other day why i’ve been anxious– from moving to LA, living by myself, doing things by myself for myself, having a full time job… he said, “isn’t that everything you wanted?”. and yes, it was everything i wanted and still want. it took me a second to figure out why things weren’t as great as i had expected them to be.

i was excited for change. big change. and yeah, i created the biggest change i could possibly contrive for myself. every single facet of life changed once i moved. for one, where i was; more importantly, who i was with (and who i wasn’t), what i spent most of my day doing, the expanded control i had over the minute choices in my day, new earthquakes, new injuries, new health concerns. problems.

the change was explosive. gut-wrenching. and, in a lot of ways, problematic. i assumed i was ready for these adjustments, seeing as they were, in fact, “everything i wanted”. but, the fact that i eventually begged for an escape back to new york proves that i wasn’t as prepared as i had originally thought myself to be.

i was not ok. now i’m ok. i have breathing room. i keep using that word in conversations. ‘breathe’. i can breathe. i’m turning 20 next month and 6 weeks ago moving out to la i thought i was 19 going on 27.

yeah, i feel back to being 19.


“i don’t wanna go home

shall we drive from zone to zone?

i wouldn’t do this on my own”


i know a lot of you check in on here often to see what i’m sharing even though i’m pretty infrequent with posts. if you want to be updated of when i do write on here, you can sign up for a newsletter from me so you don’t have to be disappointed when you drop by and nothing’s changed.



Posted on August 9, 2019 and filed under blah blah blah, i share stuff, playlists.

i'm watching things


are you watching game of thrones? are you going to see endgame next week? what about high life or us or free solo? it seems like every week i’m watching something new in theatres or on hbo. the content has been endlessly (good, for the most part).

i’m watching other stuff too, day to day. here are the other things i’ve been loving.


1. dead end

i found vewn recently after going down a rabbit hole of weird animated videos. dead end is another weird animated video with unnerving “camera” shots and pastel-y palettes and angular lines that evoke the lifeless atmosphere of a school counselor’s office.

“step 1: graduate

step 2: ?????????

step 3: profit!”

2. the underdogs

i sent this to my parents the other day saying, “kind of anti-apple-aesthetic video, but i love it.” sums it up. we’ve been seeing more skit-like ads from apple lately instead of more “real moment” videos like my favorite one from christmas a few years back. hopefully for the better?

3. me at 26

will is what i wished youtube was more of. every year, he reflects on changes in his life given his new age, sharing pictures to complement the things that he’s experienced. often they’re happy-sad. solemn but hopeful is a way i’d describe it. they never fail to soothe.

4. billie eilish makes music differently

i don’t listen to billie eilish, but my friends do. she’s seemingly everywhere and it’s taken me a second to realize how incredible her success has been the past few months. in a facetime with a nytimes reporter, billie breaks down the entire process behind ‘bury a friend’ from recording a tooth drill during a dentist appointment to recording her entire album in her brother’s childhood bedroom. cool.


happy saturday


Posted on April 20, 2019 and filed under i share stuff.

"maximize all the pleasure"


hi. it’s been awhile. a really long while. like almost a month a while.

it’s okay. i’ve been doing great. school is great. i’m glad to be back in los angeles despite it being 55˚F every day with only bits of sun here and there. i’m already thinking about how the summer will go, and that will be very exciting (for all of us). more to come.

i’ve been addicted to toro y moi lately. after seeing him in october (? i think) with my friend at the novo with his debut of outer peace with a hyperbolic light show, my addiction began. the full album didn’t come out until last month, so it’s been on repeat in my room while i sit in a dazed state near my window every couple of days.

toro just released the first music video for the new album: “ordinary pleasure”. it just exemplifies a) a visually satisfying single take, b) my dream studio, and c) my expert level of dancing (thanks for showing the dancer in you, chaz).

happy happy happy stuff.

bye for now.



Posted on February 13, 2019 and filed under i share movies, this was found, i share stuff.

2019! & found artists: hiller goodspeed


happy almost new year. 2-0-1-9.

happy birthday to my 5-5 year-old papa. he hasn’t aged since 33.

2-0-1-9. 20-19. 20-nineteen. twenty-nineteen. that’s a weird one. i was just getting used to 2018. it feels like years are rapidly accelerating more than normal. i think i’m in this place where new things are new all the time and new things are a lot more frequent than normal or expected or “i’m-used-to-it” things. i love it. it’s experimental and unpredictable. i get to try and do things on my own, and even though that scares me, it’s also pushing me to figure things out as efficiently and effectively as i can.

i’m being pushed (emotionally, creatively, etc.) and that is exciting.

to celebrate both my dad’s birthday and new year, my mom, dad, q and i usually announce what things we want to work on for the next 365 days. ““new year’s resolutions”” is what the people call it, i believe?

so here are a few of mine:

  1. start a weekly (or maybe bi-weekly) video series. get those creative ! juices ! flowing !

  2. read a couple times a week instead of exploring the dark interwebs

  3. content & quality > frequency & quantity (this is a continued resolution)

  4. don’t stay silent.

  5. join organizations or groups (in school) that push my boundaries (creatively, socially, etc.)

  6. make a lot more art since i have the freedom

what are your resolutions of 2019?

oh, yeah. hiller goodspeed. what this post is really about. his doodles, art, sketches, gifs, and whatnot make me really happy. they are emblematic of my dry, sarcastic humor. i’m sure we share that same sense of what' is “““funny”””. his drawings weren’t originally in a notebook, but i thought it added an analogous feel.

there’s not much color diversity. and i love that. they’re simple (yet also sophisticated?) drawings and i love that too. they’re just fun.

i thought it would be only appropriate to share them. you’re welcome.

“most of my drawings begin with a great deal of thought. i eavesdrop and daydream and take in my surroundings which i later refine and re-purpose in my artwork. i have email drafts and notebooks where i record half-thoughts and ideas that might become more interesting once i’ve had time to think about them.” - hiller goodspeed, for it’s nice that

happy (almost) new year!




Posted on December 31, 2018 and filed under blah blah blah, this was found, i share stuff.

i've been watching


hey. it’s been a bit. it’s been a 43-day bit hiatus. things have been made. movies have been watched. papers have been written. and everything else in between.

i’m back home for four weeks. i’m excited to just have some down time to cook and maybe make some mini movies, but i’m also anxious about getting stir crazy. it’ll be a balance.

speaking of watching, these are some of the things i’ve loved recently:

1. movement

i think i’m a pretty picky music video critic. hozier’s song “movement” in tandem with a very raw dance and dark, shadow-y footage makes for a stunningly beautiful video. i love the side-by-side twins (and eventually triplets) cut together to make a seamless choreography.


2. where the artists live

me and my friend ana (whose work is awesome !) share art things and design porn frequently. she sent me this new york times video a few days ago about the (kind of) communal space of a few artists. look at those windows. look at the interiors!

“that half door. holy sh*t” - me

“so amazing. the windows>>” - ana


3. sushi scene from isle of dogs (2018)

it’s well known that i’m a sucker for wes anderson films. isle of dogs was no exception to my obsession. i love this scene so much (and have consequently watched a few more analysis videos than needed on it). can you believe that this is stop motion with mini-figures. the detail is crazy. and this is a time lapse of how it was made.


4. tom misch medley

misch has never failed to amaze me. his talent live is even more apparent (especially with the slick comps and improvs). wow o wow. i just want to dance in my room. please watch all ~15 minutes of this for your ears’ pleasure.


5. date and walnut loaf

i love nina montagne’s videos. they’re warm, cozy, inspiring, peaceful. although i don’t eat vegan, i appreciate the simplicity and transparency of her recipes. they’re real. in between videos about food and things, she talks about self love, stress, the joys of being alone, and wellness. it’s really lovely

hope you like my little update

in case you’ve been wondering what things I have been up to in the past 43 days:

  • come home for the first time and realizing i don’t live in NYC anymore

  • 2-on-1 lime scooter-ing from koreatown with john

  • vote ! !

  • win 8 jars of almond butter

  • dress up as azumi fujita for halloween (me, for reference)

  • fit 6 people in a 4-person car in the rain with the top down

  • survive the usc-ucla rose bowl game (loss)

  • see toro y moi in concert

  • ride home on the bike handlebars with aaron in the pouring rain

  • witness a ferris wheel in the middle of campus

  • make a short film about an intense dodgeball championship set to '“sicko mode” by travis scott

  • rent a casita to live in next year

  • ice skate at midnight with like 30 of my friends

  • visit casey neistat at 368 (broadway)

  • get a christmas tree (not the shrub like last year)

welcome back.

Posted on December 11, 2018 and filed under i share movies, i share stuff.

5 things to make this week

hi there. remember this iconic post when i did that cool thing with the roll-over image? yeah check that out again for these sweet potato bowls.

over the past couple of weeks i’ve been realizing how much i miss new york city autumn. like this sort of thing. any color besides the very vivid blue whenever there’s never a single cloud in the sky—which constitutes most of the week.

i can’t even remember what it was like to have lived here and see this every day. i’m revisiting, i guess.

something i haven’t done is share some link-love stuff. here’s what i’ve loved over the past week or so:

and now onto the autumnal things i’d like to make sooner or later:


1. sweet potato bowls with spiced lamb

i’ve really been loving sweet potatoes lately. i’m able to steam them in my microwave in my dorm room and just top them with almond butter, yogurt, and coconut that get warmed and gooey. weird? eh. i guess this recipe is more or less an upscale and savory version… spiced lambs, mushrooms, quick-pickle fennel and onions, and yeah, yogurt just how i like it.


2. kabocha and kale miso soba salad

i have a little bit of an obsession with the winter squash family. (couldn’t you tell from the last recipe being sweet potatoes?). i’ve been meaning to make soba salad recently, and i feel like a miso dressing is the perfect umami-salty flavor to balance out the mild sweetness of the kabocha squash. and a little added kale for good measure. need those greens, too.


3. ottolenghi’s lamb + pistachio patties

the wonderful yotam ottolenghi just released a new cookbook of simpler recipes for the amateurs like me. from the pages i’ve gotten to see (from a copy at a design book store in culver city) the recipes are, yes, simple, but uniquely flavored and have pretty minimal ingredients. like these lamb and pistachio patties! and yeah, yogurt is also featured. there’s a lot of izzy food trends happening here…


4. chicory salad with honey-mustard vinaigrette

okay! now! for! very! simple! things! sweet & bitter things. honey & chicory leaves. there’s nothing like a super simple salad for your more complicated entree. “sweet and sharp” is how bon appetit describes it. plus this photograph is just so beautiful.


5. steak tacos with cilantro-radish salsa

okay, i’ve realized that LA has really good tacos. especially street tacos. that you can’t really find in new york city, or at least, i never really tried hard enough to look. these skirt steak tacos are another addition to our simple recipe collection. a lot of savory and salty going on here: medium-rare steak, a crunchy radish salsa slaw, only the most complementary herbs, and salty cojita cheese to top it off. don’t forget lime.


i seriously need to make all these things.

Posted on October 29, 2018 and filed under i share stuff, i make food.

fargo (1996)


yeah, i’m a film student now. i watch films. i write essays on them or prompts or whatever. i must consider composition like i plan for it, and map out shots before i see them. it’s a weird and new process.

for class i wrote,

“what are the major elements of composition that the coen brothers employ in fargo (1996) that give the film it’s uniquely thrilling and unsettling feel and atmosphere? more specifically, what aspect of composition—framing, staging, or photography—do they seem to rely on most to achieve this?

personally, what struck me most about fargo’s composition was it style of photography. oftentimes, the coen brothers abruptly switch between perspectives—contrasting extreme long shots with close-ups or medium shots. especially in a place so barren and lifeless as minnesota and north dakota, the prolonged extreme long shots provided the film with an even more eerie and mysterious atmosphere. not only that, but they are strangely and starkingly* beautiful—being my favorite detail of this film.”

i’m a film student now.

Posted on October 11, 2018 and filed under i share movies, i share stuff.

~updated~ pancakes


hey ho! 

it's muggy outside! it's gross outside! i hate walking outside! this is new york city at its finest: humid and hot summertime. it's cool though. i only have to deal with it a bit longer before having to deal with it every day in los angeles (hello, college). 


i question whether i was really born for sun. 

i realize i haven't done a link love-ish thing in a while-- where i share internet things that have piqued my interest and things. maybe i'll do that now. that sounds like a plan.


izzy's link love of july thus far

1. yesterday, me and my friend isla popped into this ~concept~ store in nolita, nyc called bulletin with the coolest shirts and jewelry and lapel pins and other things that celebrate females. a portion of all purchases goes directly to planned parenthood of nyc. yessssss.

2. as i'm slowly starting the process of figuring out what i need for college living (more specifically, in the heat of LA), i realized that what i really really really need in life is this handmade double-sided graphic quilt from cold picnic. get ready for my plant-filled/interior-designed dorm next year. 

3. yeah, it feels like summer.

4. jack harries's new short films never fail to amaze me. a narrative on the effects of technology, rawness, traveling, and connecting with others: headed east.

5. ever since i watched this video (living as a new yorker), i've never not noticed this thing that train conductors do.

6. you know i love james turrell.

[[[ end of link love ]]]

now, onto that pancakes recipe. aka what this post is really about.

remember these? i don't even remember the last time i made those pancakes. (hint, it was actually over a year ago). i don't even remember the last time i had a banana.

so here, i give you an updated fluffy pancakes recipe. it involves fresh egg whites (leftover from making frozen custard) and coconut flour. easy peasy.

fluffy pancakes for one

serves 1

what you do

1. in a small bowl, sift together coconut flour, coconut sugar, baking powder, and salt. mix until combined.

2. in another medium bowl, whip egg whites and vanilla until stiff peaks form.  

3. pour flour mixture and coconut yogurt into whipped egg whites. starting with 1 tablespoon, fold together almond milk with everything else using using a spatula until a thick batter forms. you might not need all 1/3 cup of the milk. 

4. spray a castiron skillet with coconut oil and set dollops of 1/4 cup of batter onto the pan. cook for 2-3 minutes on each side until the edges are brown. 

5. serve and drown in (very pure, very vermont) maple syrup.

what you need

  • 3 tablespoons coconut flour
  • 1 tablespoon coconut sugar
  • pinch of baking powder
  • pinch of salt
  • 3 large egg whites
  • 1/2 teaspoon vanilla extract
  • 1 tablespoon coconut yogurt (or applesauce) 
  • 1/3 cup almond milk


you're welcome. 

Posted on July 17, 2018 and filed under i make food, i share stuff.

what i've been watching

1/ lights of brussels

tim never fails to impress with his short films (and original scores). clips of his recent trip to brussels were stunning. 



what does working in new york look like? what does working in new york as a creative freelancer look like? this film answers that in 6 minutes and 45 seconds.

3/ moments

a wonderful and awesome commercial. emotional. teary-eyed. beautiful. 

4/ sun moon london

fwd: casey neistat. a film completely filmed in 2520mm in london feat. the various different big moons. it's a full aurora of warm. 


5/ illusions

mind f*ck.


i'm dancing this week.

it's sunny this week. 

holy crap.



Posted on April 23, 2018 and filed under i share stuff.

when food becomes art


black sesame tarte with colored tangrams

baked chai masala pumpkin pie


hand-sliced potato tart

miso white carrot pie with black sesame crust


hummus tart with carrot shingles

cranberry curd tart with persimmon tangrams

hi. it's izzy after a total of 66+ hours of driving after our road trip to new mexico this past week (and a half). i'm kind of grumpy and a little too sick of eating a protein bar every day for breakfast and waking up at 5:00am every day for 3 days of driving there and back. but, it was beautiful. i'm home now. 

god, i didn't think that i would be any happier seeing the actual disgustingness of 40 minutes of traffic jam going into the holland tunnel. yep. honking galore.

while my dad and i were driving the final few miles to our apartment, we listed the things that we had honestly missed: (yes, that honking), jaywalkers, asshole taxi drivers, potholes, narrow lanes, sirens, the smell of trash.

i don't know what i'm going to do when i leave.


lauren ko is not only a writer but an awesome self-taught baker. there's a little tagline at the bottom of her website that says, "when all hell bakes loose." awesome.

as a food – art and art – food lover myself, when i found her unconventional colorful, geometric, and truly stunning designs on instagram, i instantly fell into a deep admiration. 

are you surprised that buzzfeed already did a video starring a few geometric pies?

lauren uses pretty eclectic ingredients for her pies:

cheddar cheese

cranberry powder

dragon fruit

blood orange


miso paste


purple yams

holy heck. psa: not all in the same pie. 

inspired to bake right now? yeah buddy.

enjoy your april fools day easter.


Posted on April 1, 2018 and filed under this was found, i share stuff.

found artists: jonathan higbee

“over the years i have been able to develop my eye and sense of anticipation to more easily spot uncanny coincidences...

"...but every once in a while my gut will tell me that some element i’ve come across on the street has potential to become a successful image,

"...even if it’s nothing special just yet.”

i've always loved coincidences.

although seemingly methodically constructed, planned, oriented, and too-good-to-be-true, jonathan higbee's images are instead a result of patience and a good eye. 

"coincidences is my love letter to new york, and to the infinite number of magical, ephemeral and serendipitous moments that make it a city unlike any other."

higbee's work is quite literally the kind of work i wish i could do, using the kind of skills i wish i had. patience? not really there yet. 

being able to make something very real be magical (which i think is what these photos are for me) is an ability i can only hope to achieve. or, at least, learn to garner. 

coincidences are the best kind of instances. (i meant that rhyme and i am sorry). they are irreplicable and serendipitous, and that's what makes them special.

and my god, when you get them on camera, you will treasure them forever.

happy snow day.


Posted on March 7, 2018 and filed under this was found, i share stuff.

the blackest black

photography by luke hayes

photography by luke hayes

there's been a lot of chatter with the winter olympics starting tomorrow. 

in the midst of all of that, i stumbled upon this pavilion designed by asif khan using that chemical substance that absorbs almost all (99.965%) of radiation of the visual spectrum.


it's a visual black hole and completely disrupts three dimensional space. though, it adds elements of it back with the assorted star-lights outside.

“from a distance the structure has the appearance of a window looking into the depths of outer space. as you approach it, this impression grows to fill your entire field of view. so on entering the building, it feels as though you are being absorbed into a cloud of blackness."

Posted on February 8, 2018 and filed under i share stuff.

twenty seventeen

according to some weird website, these were my top nine photographs on instagram this year – (ironically) selected by which ones received the most likes. they're far from my best photos that i've taken this year, or the ones that mean the most to me, at least. 


it's been a long year. i'm done with my lists of things that have happened in the spans of time between each time i write. i think. gosh, it's been a long year. 

i feel like the end of 2017 and the beginning of 2018 is the firsts of lasts (or maybe even the lasts of firsts), if that makes sense. i told my mom in november that this is my last thanksgiving living at home. i told her the other day that this is my last christmas living at home. i'm living my last december, january, and february of high school. i already had my last birthday at home. the walls in my room are slowly filling up with the last photos of my time in new york. i'm going to have my first last prom. and my first last graduation. 

it's weird. 

in this lull of time – of waiting time – until the end of the year, i feel like i'm just wasting time. wasting time all the time. i'm doing things, like school work, but even that seems empty in a way. i think anticipation is killing me. 

i started volunteering at an animal shelter. i started drawing again (the last time, if you remember, was in 8th grade). i might sign up for an art class a few times during the week. i'm trying to start a notebook (but, so far unsuccessfully) again. i'm listening to new music. that doesn't feel empty. even though i'm filling empty time with old things. 

i'm not getting nostalgic yet. 

it's snowing outside.

that's nostalgia. 

here are my hand-selected songs that i listened to the most in 2017. izzy of 2018, listen to these if you want a glimpse back in time. 

Posted on December 30, 2017 and filed under i take photos, i share stuff.

a color study: orange

axel oswith | othello grey | dan rubin | faithcouch | mike lyon | ferrian reynaldi | motokimokito | lukasph | yumna

i have been in a creative rut recently. i'm trying to get back into photography again after my 2 month-long hiatus in the fall. (remember that documentary i'd been working on?). i've been curating images a lot. i've done a curation in the past of parallel images of people and weird things on the street

but let's start new. 

here's orange. 

on another note, i haven't talked about what's going on in my life lately. it's almost december. thanksgiving is over. fall is (close to) being over. i'm in the midst of senior life and nearing the end of my teenagedom. what???

i just finished my senior yearbook page. 

i just submitted my college applications.

i just turned eighteen. 

i just made a movie. 

i just presented in front of a board of trustees.

i just got my driver's license. heck, i can drive.

i just booked my own flight. 

i just started dancing.

i'm doing all these new things. i feel good. 

dear izzy of 2018, you did good in 2017.

Posted on November 28, 2017 and filed under i share stuff, this was found.

things i did in august

images by gothamist

images by gothamist

1. eat at gloria restaurant, nyc

fish and seafood galore a.k.a. my kind of place. 

the restaurant is small and humble, and the windows let in this really nice light. 

it was no surprise that every dish was stellar. really recommend if you love non-meat things and dashi-butter mushrooms.

images by melissa joulwan

images by melissa joulwan

2. make paleo oven-fried salmon cakes

with more time on my hands, i've been cracking down on trying new recipes.

these salmon cakes with almond flour and mashed sweet potato by melissa are actually so great. i stored them for a few days and re-fried them on a pan right out of the fridge. 

threw it on a salad, dressed it as a burger, ate one for a snack. 

image by carnegie museum of art

image by carnegie museum of art

3. visit hélio oitica + history of protest at the whitney, nyc

honestly, whenever i go to the whitney i'm always at least a bit disappointed. 

but, last week was definitely an exception to that. my friend hannah and i roamed every floor, carefully and thoughtfully looking at every piece (especially those of the "incomplete history of protest" exhibit). 

first time in a long time that i was just in awe of an entire collection. 



4. see dunkirk in 70mm

god, this film was spectacular, which is no surprise because of nolan and zimmerman's unified genius. every shot was stunning, every track was incredible, the entire interweaving of shots and events was brilliant.

i have no complaints. see it in 70mm. 

5. binge-watch avant garde vegan on youtube

i actually did binged these videos this morning. 

i'm not a vegan anymore, but i have loved gaz oakley's recipes nonetheless. the kitchen in this squash risotto video is goals. 

happy august, everyone.

Posted on August 27, 2017 and filed under blah blah blah, i share stuff.


isle of capri motel, new jersey. 

isle of capri motel, new jersey. 

sketch restaurant, london

sketch restaurant, london

petra, jordan

petra, jordan

ostel hotel, east berlin

ostel hotel, east berlin

wildwood crest, new jersey

wildwood crest, new jersey

rhone glacier, switzerland

rhone glacier, switzerland

i have an obsession with wes anderson and reddit. i love fantastic mr. fox and moonrise kingdom and the grand budapest hotel, but especially fantastic mr. fox. i feel like each setting of each film is intentional in the grander color scheme of the entire work (as i'm sure every director tries to achieve -- but most obvious in wes anderson films). 

i love the pastels and the tones and the "is this real or am i just dreaming?" feel of all of his works that can't really be replicated anywhere else. it's surreal. wes makes fantasy in real places, a dreamy reality. 

naturally, when i found the subreddit r/AccidentalWesAnderson i was reminded of how magical the real world can actually be, according to what magical means in the world of wes anderson.

these places exist. these colors exist, and i want to have the chance to explore all of them.

"that's the kind of movie that i like to make, where there is an invented reality and the audience is going to go someplace where hopefully they've never been before. the details, that's what the world is made of." - wes anderson

Posted on June 26, 2017 and filed under i share stuff, i share movies.

this is a post about eggs


i am a big fan of eggs. i really like eggs (like really, really).

why am i writing a post on eggs? because eggs are important to my existence as a living being, and i believe they deserve to have a post dedicated to them. 

also, let's get down to some scientific business here. eggs are super duper rich in vitamins, nutrients, good fats, and protein. they contain all 9 essential amino acids, and minerals and nutrients like iron, phosphorous, selenium, and vitamins A, B12, B5 and others. in other words, eggs are a superfood that don't contain the words "acai," "spirulina," "grass," or "baobab." nice.

they're pretty great. 

eggs come in all forms in recipes, so i want to share with you my favorite things to do with this beloved ingredient. 



shakshuka (especially from greenkitchenstories) is both an eggs-for-dinner and dinner-for-breakfast sort of dish. it's a good share (or just eat entirely by yourself) food. so in other words, it's pretty great for basically anything you want.



these simple scrambled eggs. there is little known to me that is as great as simple scrambled eggs. this recipe has a few extras that make the scramble so, so fluffy. aka the best scrambled eggs ever.



baked eggs.jpg

i'm pretty sure you know of izy. her baked eggs with spinach, ricotta, and leeks is one of my favorites for a lazy sunday brunch. like the shakshuka, these eggs are great for sharing, but also great for some solo breakfast-ing. RICOTTA is always the answer.




this french toast is indeed eggy and fancy. heck, throw in some orange zest on top and you got a fancy one-fourth of a four course breakfast. the roasted almonds give this toast a nice crunchy finish. so, i dig it. 



i hope you enjoy my egg rant

viven los huevos. 

Posted on May 13, 2017 and filed under i share stuff.

street parallels


it's almost thanksgiving break. i'm tired and sleepy and drained. 

a lot has happened in the past month. a lot of which i have a lot to say, but not a lot i want to say here. i've been waking up stronger. i'm waking up stronger every day.

on other notes

i've been inspired by more raw photographs lately. open ones. real ones. and i think the easiest way to embody this rawness is through street photography. i think the coolest thing is seeing parallels between street photography from different cities and photographers, and how colors and lines and shapes overlap. 

i tried to show that. 

i'm ready for gravy.

happy saturday.


Posted on November 19, 2016 and filed under this was found, i share stuff.