happy almost new year. 2-0-1-9.
happy birthday to my 5-5 year-old papa. he hasn’t aged since 33.
2-0-1-9. 20-19. 20-nineteen. twenty-nineteen. that’s a weird one. i was just getting used to 2018. it feels like years are rapidly accelerating more than normal. i think i’m in this place where new things are new all the time and new things are a lot more frequent than normal or expected or “i’m-used-to-it” things. i love it. it’s experimental and unpredictable. i get to try and do things on my own, and even though that scares me, it’s also pushing me to figure things out as efficiently and effectively as i can.
i’m being pushed (emotionally, creatively, etc.) and that is exciting.
to celebrate both my dad’s birthday and new year, my mom, dad, q and i usually announce what things we want to work on for the next 365 days. ““new year’s resolutions”” is what the people call it, i believe?
so here are a few of mine:
start a weekly (or maybe bi-weekly) video series. get those creative ! juices ! flowing !
read a couple times a week instead of exploring the dark interwebs
content & quality > frequency & quantity (this is a continued resolution)
don’t stay silent.
join organizations or groups (in school) that push my boundaries (creatively, socially, etc.)
make a lot more art since i have the freedom
what are your resolutions of 2019?
oh, yeah. hiller goodspeed. what this post is really about. his doodles, art, sketches, gifs, and whatnot make me really happy. they are emblematic of my dry, sarcastic humor. i’m sure we share that same sense of what' is “““funny”””. his drawings weren’t originally in a notebook, but i thought it added an analogous feel.
there’s not much color diversity. and i love that. they’re simple (yet also sophisticated?) drawings and i love that too. they’re just fun.
i thought it would be only appropriate to share them. you’re welcome.
“most of my drawings begin with a great deal of thought. i eavesdrop and daydream and take in my surroundings which i later refine and re-purpose in my artwork. i have email drafts and notebooks where i record half-thoughts and ideas that might become more interesting once i’ve had time to think about them.” - hiller goodspeed, for it’s nice that
happy (almost) new year!