Posts filed under this was found

"maximize all the pleasure"


hi. it’s been awhile. a really long while. like almost a month a while.

it’s okay. i’ve been doing great. school is great. i’m glad to be back in los angeles despite it being 55˚F every day with only bits of sun here and there. i’m already thinking about how the summer will go, and that will be very exciting (for all of us). more to come.

i’ve been addicted to toro y moi lately. after seeing him in october (? i think) with my friend at the novo with his debut of outer peace with a hyperbolic light show, my addiction began. the full album didn’t come out until last month, so it’s been on repeat in my room while i sit in a dazed state near my window every couple of days.

toro just released the first music video for the new album: “ordinary pleasure”. it just exemplifies a) a visually satisfying single take, b) my dream studio, and c) my expert level of dancing (thanks for showing the dancer in you, chaz).

happy happy happy stuff.

bye for now.



Posted on February 13, 2019 and filed under i share movies, this was found, i share stuff.

2019! & found artists: hiller goodspeed


happy almost new year. 2-0-1-9.

happy birthday to my 5-5 year-old papa. he hasn’t aged since 33.

2-0-1-9. 20-19. 20-nineteen. twenty-nineteen. that’s a weird one. i was just getting used to 2018. it feels like years are rapidly accelerating more than normal. i think i’m in this place where new things are new all the time and new things are a lot more frequent than normal or expected or “i’m-used-to-it” things. i love it. it’s experimental and unpredictable. i get to try and do things on my own, and even though that scares me, it’s also pushing me to figure things out as efficiently and effectively as i can.

i’m being pushed (emotionally, creatively, etc.) and that is exciting.

to celebrate both my dad’s birthday and new year, my mom, dad, q and i usually announce what things we want to work on for the next 365 days. ““new year’s resolutions”” is what the people call it, i believe?

so here are a few of mine:

  1. start a weekly (or maybe bi-weekly) video series. get those creative ! juices ! flowing !

  2. read a couple times a week instead of exploring the dark interwebs

  3. content & quality > frequency & quantity (this is a continued resolution)

  4. don’t stay silent.

  5. join organizations or groups (in school) that push my boundaries (creatively, socially, etc.)

  6. make a lot more art since i have the freedom

what are your resolutions of 2019?

oh, yeah. hiller goodspeed. what this post is really about. his doodles, art, sketches, gifs, and whatnot make me really happy. they are emblematic of my dry, sarcastic humor. i’m sure we share that same sense of what' is “““funny”””. his drawings weren’t originally in a notebook, but i thought it added an analogous feel.

there’s not much color diversity. and i love that. they’re simple (yet also sophisticated?) drawings and i love that too. they’re just fun.

i thought it would be only appropriate to share them. you’re welcome.

“most of my drawings begin with a great deal of thought. i eavesdrop and daydream and take in my surroundings which i later refine and re-purpose in my artwork. i have email drafts and notebooks where i record half-thoughts and ideas that might become more interesting once i’ve had time to think about them.” - hiller goodspeed, for it’s nice that

happy (almost) new year!




Posted on December 31, 2018 and filed under blah blah blah, this was found, i share stuff.

found artists: alex proba


“making [is the best part of my job]. and the people i am making things with.”

alex proba is a “multidisciplinary designer”. a woman of multiple mediums working with shapes and colors and form of all kinds. in 2013, she founded studio proba, where all of her work can be found — aka graphic joy.

one of her most recent projects has been her “a poster a day project” which has been ongoing for almost 3 years. it was, she writes, her way from getting unstuck — to design without really thinking but just playing around without guidelines for thirty minutes every evening.

from abstract to surreal to pattern-filled to completely minimalist, each graphic is unique.

“I can’t take each and every one too seriously and I can’t spend too much time on it. If the result of this is me not liking some, than that’s okay, as long as it still stays my visual diary. That is what makes it truthful and real.”

there’s an integral drivenness that comes with creating something once a day every day for three years. in proba’s case, it requires a drive to not only challenge yourself to create consistently but to let things settle in once they are created (sometimes). often times, i realize, i have a similar idealist/perfectionist mindset when making something.

over the past few years i’ve learned to come to terms with my “bad” art — classified usually by the fact that a) i am not proud of it or b) it just sucks overall. alex is right though: that kind of art is healthy and almost essential to becoming a better artist.

we must remember the sucky stuff we made to figure out how to do something cooler next time. i think about that daily. the sucky stuff is the most real. we made it.

happy monday.

p.s. happy birthday, gab

Posted on September 24, 2018 and filed under this was found, blah blah blah.

when food becomes art


black sesame tarte with colored tangrams

baked chai masala pumpkin pie


hand-sliced potato tart

miso white carrot pie with black sesame crust


hummus tart with carrot shingles

cranberry curd tart with persimmon tangrams

hi. it's izzy after a total of 66+ hours of driving after our road trip to new mexico this past week (and a half). i'm kind of grumpy and a little too sick of eating a protein bar every day for breakfast and waking up at 5:00am every day for 3 days of driving there and back. but, it was beautiful. i'm home now. 

god, i didn't think that i would be any happier seeing the actual disgustingness of 40 minutes of traffic jam going into the holland tunnel. yep. honking galore.

while my dad and i were driving the final few miles to our apartment, we listed the things that we had honestly missed: (yes, that honking), jaywalkers, asshole taxi drivers, potholes, narrow lanes, sirens, the smell of trash.

i don't know what i'm going to do when i leave.


lauren ko is not only a writer but an awesome self-taught baker. there's a little tagline at the bottom of her website that says, "when all hell bakes loose." awesome.

as a food – art and art – food lover myself, when i found her unconventional colorful, geometric, and truly stunning designs on instagram, i instantly fell into a deep admiration. 

are you surprised that buzzfeed already did a video starring a few geometric pies?

lauren uses pretty eclectic ingredients for her pies:

cheddar cheese

cranberry powder

dragon fruit

blood orange


miso paste


purple yams

holy heck. psa: not all in the same pie. 

inspired to bake right now? yeah buddy.

enjoy your april fools day easter.


Posted on April 1, 2018 and filed under this was found, i share stuff.

found artists: jonathan higbee

“over the years i have been able to develop my eye and sense of anticipation to more easily spot uncanny coincidences...

"...but every once in a while my gut will tell me that some element i’ve come across on the street has potential to become a successful image,

"...even if it’s nothing special just yet.”

i've always loved coincidences.

although seemingly methodically constructed, planned, oriented, and too-good-to-be-true, jonathan higbee's images are instead a result of patience and a good eye. 

"coincidences is my love letter to new york, and to the infinite number of magical, ephemeral and serendipitous moments that make it a city unlike any other."

higbee's work is quite literally the kind of work i wish i could do, using the kind of skills i wish i had. patience? not really there yet. 

being able to make something very real be magical (which i think is what these photos are for me) is an ability i can only hope to achieve. or, at least, learn to garner. 

coincidences are the best kind of instances. (i meant that rhyme and i am sorry). they are irreplicable and serendipitous, and that's what makes them special.

and my god, when you get them on camera, you will treasure them forever.

happy snow day.


Posted on March 7, 2018 and filed under this was found, i share stuff.

a color study: orange

axel oswith | othello grey | dan rubin | faithcouch | mike lyon | ferrian reynaldi | motokimokito | lukasph | yumna

i have been in a creative rut recently. i'm trying to get back into photography again after my 2 month-long hiatus in the fall. (remember that documentary i'd been working on?). i've been curating images a lot. i've done a curation in the past of parallel images of people and weird things on the street

but let's start new. 

here's orange. 

on another note, i haven't talked about what's going on in my life lately. it's almost december. thanksgiving is over. fall is (close to) being over. i'm in the midst of senior life and nearing the end of my teenagedom. what???

i just finished my senior yearbook page. 

i just submitted my college applications.

i just turned eighteen. 

i just made a movie. 

i just presented in front of a board of trustees.

i just got my driver's license. heck, i can drive.

i just booked my own flight. 

i just started dancing.

i'm doing all these new things. i feel good. 

dear izzy of 2018, you did good in 2017.

Posted on November 28, 2017 and filed under i share stuff, this was found.

found artists: javier de riba


i forgot i had drafted this almost 2 months ago. 

javier de riba turns disarrayed spaces into orderly ones in his exhibition "flors," painting geometrical mosaics on the floors of abandoned buildings. both the photos and behind-the-scenes video of his work are breathtaking and undoubtedly satisfying. 

his work reminds me how much i underestimate the power of simplicity in art and how it can transform a space or even an entire place regardless of its imperfections. i think that is what javier aims to achieve: art that reveals the beauty of a space that does not seem beautiful.

“it moves me to think that one day these floors harbored experiences and helped form a part of someone’s daily life, and now finally rest forgotten.”

“through my intervention, i allow this sensation to flourish and offer a testimony to these past lives.”

hello again.



Posted on February 23, 2017 and filed under this was found.

street parallels


it's almost thanksgiving break. i'm tired and sleepy and drained. 

a lot has happened in the past month. a lot of which i have a lot to say, but not a lot i want to say here. i've been waking up stronger. i'm waking up stronger every day.

on other notes

i've been inspired by more raw photographs lately. open ones. real ones. and i think the easiest way to embody this rawness is through street photography. i think the coolest thing is seeing parallels between street photography from different cities and photographers, and how colors and lines and shapes overlap. 

i tried to show that. 

i'm ready for gravy.

happy saturday.


Posted on November 19, 2016 and filed under this was found, i share stuff.

a month from then

the human condition is a installation of the works of various artists in an old, 40,000 square-foot hospital. i thought it was cool and weird and unique and gloomy and just beautiful; the pieces brilliantly match the geometric and sharp shapes of the hospital. i just wanted to share its awesomeness.


as for me, i'm back. it's been 48 days since i wrote my last post. that's a pretty long time. i've been taking a little hiatus from social lately. it's been nice to just not stress about having to curate and post things on all of my platforms. i started junior year 29 days ago. i turned seventeen 19 days ago. i'm a year older since we last talked. 

i've been thinking about this sort of kinetic energy of stress. i think a lot of the time i feed off of other people's stress and they feed off of my stress and other people's stress, and it just becomes this sort of eternal and cyclical exchange of anxiety. i mean, i get it. we're getting older and we have more responsibilities and work and independence. we're almost done with high school. i realize that every once in a while and it just scares me. i love the idea of a new and limitless world. we're practically there.

i've been pretty good about it my monthly freak-outs, though it's taken me almost 3 years to figure it out. i keep reminding myself that i'm okay. that even though i have no control of time and other people and their decisions, i have complete power over what i do and how i perceive and change my community. there's been a lot of broadened thinking lately. i think i've matured a bit from it. 

good night.


Posted on October 13, 2016 and filed under blah blah blah, this was found.

where art and cake collide

images by dunja opalko x wallpaper magazine

i haven't been baking much, even though it's summer time. very much unlike me, but i've been so busy with projects and fun stuff that i think it's okay.

the other day i stumbled upon danish designer kia utzon-frank and her london-based company kufstudios. naturally, there was kufcakes. each cake is in fact edible. kia prints marble texture onto fondant or marzipan before most meticulously folding it over cake. in turn, a beautiful stone effect is created, which freakin' insane. 

the cake itself is equally as stunning, with folds and layers of sponge cake thin enough to create a fine gradient.  "taste is as important as the look, and the cakes should be conversation starters and trigger our curiosity and interaction with each other," their website says. kia uses natural food coloring and fruit juices to dye the cakes. 

i think the thing that utzon-frank said that really spoke to me the most was this: "cake is just another material. if something catches my interest it doesn't matter what it's made of. i think there's a huge freedom in not knowing much about the material i'm throwing myself at, as i then don't know the 'rules' and therefore am more open to experiment."

food = experimentation = art

i wish i could do that.

enjoy your weekend,



Posted on August 20, 2016 and filed under blah blah blah, this was found, i share movies.


1/ room 304 at the michelburger hotel in berlin


it's like a modern, live-in cubicle. which is incredible . 

love: neutrals, wood + concrete details, "secret" doors, geometry



2/ azukashi house in japan


(some) antiques x modern details- swoon. although i don't know what that bird's doing there 

love: plants (+), wood details, house-silhouettes, open



3/ watt rooftop apartment in belgium


okay this is what i've always wanted my bedroom to look like: bed, dresser, mirror, PLANTS. 

love: PLANTS PLANTS PLANTS, focus on plants, green from plants, completely open space, that antique ladder, exposed light fixtures



4/ 5th floor apartment in copenhagen


okay and this is what i want my house to look like: minimal, simple palettes, midtone oranges, blues, and greens.

love: natural light, leather detail, exposed books, plants, open



5/ artist's studio in amsterdam


this was built in a renovated tower and is pretty much the epitome of what a hideout/hideaway is.

love: bareness, tall ceilings, neutrals, spiral staircase. so minimalist.



ever since i was a kid, i've had this obsession with "hideaways" or secret passageways in houses or between rooms. i still have that obsession, but i've matured it a bit.

in 2006, we took a vacation to amsterdam, berlin, and paris, and i remember that the most memorable part of our 2 week-long trip was this / this (we stayed there two different times). my favorite part of our entire trip was our hotel room(s). yep. that's also the only part that i remember and reminisce about now: the interior design. i cannot describe to you how much i loved those rooms. i was/am fascinated by small, modern spaces (i have a folder of pictures dedicated to the them). 

i'm pretty sure that everyone shares this fascination with eclectic, homey, minimalist, cozy, visually-appealing spaces, or at least i hope they do. 

"i wish i could retreat to one of these small safe cozy havens and never come out. like a hermit crab. bye." - alex 

happy wednesday



Posted on February 10, 2016 and filed under this was found, i share stuff.

found artists: tyler spangler

this is tyler spangler.

some of tyler's work caught my eye whilst scrolling through tumblr (as one does) and i thought i would share it with you all. i was definitely drawn towards the really vivid color palettes he uses. a lot of his work includes cut-outs and collages + it reminds me of a more modern, matisse-like style of art. 

i think what i love most about tyler's work is its simplicity– the ability to create a minimalist, simple work of art while still being eclectic, i guess. it's hard to explain, but, i think you get my gist. it's sophisticated, but not... there's definitely a lot of stuff going on in his graphics, but not to much that it's too ornate. there's a perfect balance, and i love it. i love it. i love it. 

also, his gifs are a plus. gifs are always a plus. 

have a great rest of your week everyone!

(there is a new video coming out soon)


Posted on January 12, 2016 and filed under this was found.

found artists: joji baratelli

this is joji ('s work). 

joji is a teen photographer with a great eye for detail and contrast and texture and color. last summer, while i was in LA, we met up and traveled around santa monica and photographed what we saw. what resulted were various hues of greens and blues–– typical for los angeles.

i wanted to share one of my favorite projects of his: paper. this series (which completely caught my eye) was shot entirely with an iphone and processed in VSCO. i think what really drew me towards these particular shots was light in contrast with shadow, two elements that i like to play around with in my own work. his high-contrast photography is my personal favorite, but all of his other photos are taken just as skillfully.

i also really respect joji's street photography. i've always been a little discouraged when asking to take people's pictures, resorting to taking faceless portraits instead. joji is pretty dauntless in this field, and for this reason (and many others), i really admire him as a photographer. 

you can take a look at his work on his VSCO, his vimeo, or his instagram.

joji is definitely a creative to watch out for.



Posted on December 17, 2015 and filed under this was found.

found artists: rebecca martin + blah blah

the bold + the brave.

for the past couple of weeks, i've been really swooning over vivid, minimalistic portraits and shots. i stumbled across rebecca martin's work and i really thought i'd share with other modern-art-fanatics. the simple shapes, the contrasting colors, the clarity of her work is so fascinating to look at and easy to admire. 

i've realized that good images (in my opinion) are not complicated. they are not overthought or complex, but distinctive and original. sometimes i have trouble applying these values to my work, and it's difficult to switch mindsets when i take photographs or create art, but i learn (with lots of time, unfortunately).

on a very irrelevant point,

i've also realized that i have less and time to write here. i find that i am struggling to find things to write about, what to say, what is interesting, what is not so interesting. i'm not saying i'm giving up here, but rather that i want to apologize for the not-so-in-depth words and not-so-foodie-centered posts. i know you all like those. so, sorry for not posting that many recipes. i'm busy. i'm busy all the time. i'm stressed. i'm stressed (most of) all the time. however, what's most important is that i am still in love with what i do. i am carving out precious time and brain cells to pursue it and propel myself further into art.

i love it and i hate it at the same time. i love it one day and want to write every day and want to paint and go out and explore and see sights and close my eyes and forget about everything. then i remember everything that i have to complete and finish and write, and all of those creativity color splatters kind of get painted over with thick, black acrylic. 

i guess i just wanted to blah blah blah away. i guess that's what this is for.

Posted on October 27, 2015 and filed under blah blah blah, this was found.

found artists: martin wehmer

a couple of evenings ago, i was app hunting when i stumbled upon artsy, "the art world in your pocket". artsy isn't really the app that you think it would be, but rather galleries and shows of artists (renown or not) and their works available for purchase. 

upon discovering artsy, i also found new artists. one of whom is martin wehmer

i think what strikes me most about wehmer's work is its obvious bold style: minimal palettes, prominent strokes of paint and simple subjects.

it's incredible that such heavy strokes can be perceived as having such fine detail (or for me anyway). how the paintings are rough in texture yet smooth. i just love looking at them.  

i'm definitely keeping a close eye on wehmer. i can't wait to see what he creates next.

have a fantastic week, everyone. 

Posted on July 7, 2015 and filed under this was found.

found artists: lorraine loots

the other morning i stumbled upon lorraine loots, an artist who is known for her "paintings for ants". her work is incredible– the microscopic details that are so realistic and intricate they seem life-size. she explains the project and the process of creating in her vimeo video above.

every day for a year (starting on january 1, 2015), lorraine designed and created a new painting on a 10cm x 10cm piece of watercolor paper. do you see the pencil to painting ratio? i don't even know if i could write a letter that small... i could keep scrolling through all of her little notecards and just stare in awe. 

i wish i had the patience and delicacy to do what she does because it truly is impeccable.

do you have any artists you admire? 

Posted on April 16, 2015 and filed under this was found.

found artists: fi wong

(*click to slide)


i had the absolute pleasure of being drawn by fi wong. her sketches are absolutely gorgeous and are bold, but still have intricate details.

to check out more of her work, go here.

we are hoping to collaborate on something sometime soon.


have a great end of the week everyone!

Posted on February 4, 2015 and filed under this was found.

found artists: drew tyndell + (friday) links

remember the last time i found a rad artist? well i've found yet another. (so many cool creatives everywhere!)

when i saw one of drew tyndell's hand-drawn gifs floating around the tumblr-sphere, i was in awe. i mean, the precision and hand needed to create such pristine gifs is absolutely insane. 

take the first gif. just don't move your mouse or anything and really look at it. just keep watching it. and watching it. and watching it. you never really want to look away, do you? (i know i don't). imagine what sort of planning is behind making these... 

this morning i was scrolling through his portfolio and was looking at some of the other animation work he's done. turns out he did this clip for cartoon network. just wow. 


enough said.

because i didn't get a chance to post them on friday, here are my collective links for last week!

1/ orchiette? stew? comfort? yes. please. thanks.

2/ so i got a new scarf...

3/ i went to go see this movie with a bunch of friends last weekend. it blew my mind in the most extraordinary way.

4/ we all know who's the best first lady...

5/ i literally screamed when this premiered last night.

6/ speaking of which, if you haven't seen this clip from the newsroom, then you probably haven't lived. (skip to 3:11 if you want to hear just the speech).


on a more personal note, i apologize for being on a mini-hiatuses in-between posts. ninth grade has been pretty tough.

have a fantastic week everyone.

Posted on November 10, 2014 and filed under this was found, i share stuff.