hello lovely people!
my dad was on the british virgin islands this weekend, and he sent me these pictures that are stunning. i mean, look at that water! soooooo blue. i hope i get the chance to visit at least once. from the photos, it looks like a serene paradise. really.
it's not sunday, and it's not particularly friday… but it's time for some link loves to get you through the second worst day of the week.
- this chocolate looks delicious, and the flavor combination makes me jealous that i didn't think of it myself...
- beet cookies? um yes?
- hipster vegan chai! spring weekend tea here i come!
- my mother seriously makes the best pasta, ever.
- i absolutely love the graphics of this dress. someone buy it for me?
- my "everyday" quote
that's all for now!
have a stress-free hump day everyone!