

i thought it would be fun to host a Q&A where you could ask me questions and i'll respond in a video or post... questions could be about:

blogging, new york city, favorite recipes, my projects, what school is like, etc.

+ anything that you would like me to answer. you can either comment here or enter a question at my submission box; whatever is most preferable to you. i'm not sure when i will post my answers, but it will most likely be in the next couple of weeks. 

also, please let me know if you would rather have my answers in video-format (will not be available for a few weeks) or readable, blog post-format (will probably be posted more promptly)!

have a wonderful weekend everyone!

izzy raelq&a Comments
found artists: lorraine loots

the other morning i stumbled upon lorraine loots, an artist who is known for her "paintings for ants". her work is incredible– the microscopic details that are so realistic and intricate they seem life-size. she explains the project and the process of creating in her vimeo video above.

every day for a year (starting on january 1, 2015), lorraine designed and created a new painting on a 10cm x 10cm piece of watercolor paper. do you see the pencil to painting ratio? i don't even know if i could write a letter that small... i could keep scrolling through all of her little notecards and just stare in awe. 

i wish i had the patience and delicacy to do what she does because it truly is impeccable.

do you have any artists you admire?