
Posts tagged wishlist
ears, necks, and wrists

one | two | three | four | five | six

for the past couple of weeks, i've been searching for a pair of earrings for my newly-pierced ears. i've kind of gotten carried away and have added a "few" more items to my shiny wish list. 

minimalist and simple has always been my style for just about everything, so when i saw these pieces, i knew i had to share them. i also never realized how many talented artists there are on etsy and the awesome, well-made things they create. 

do you have any favorite jewelers? pieces (minimalist or not)? cool stuff? comment below if you have suggestions -- i would really appreciate it!

izzy's xmas wish list







'tis the season of gift giving... it's inevitable that i might have a few desired gifts this year. i realized that as i grow older my christmas list becomes more minimal, both artistically and, well, literally. this christmas i'm eying a few bold items (from left to right):

1/ i've always wanted to touch this bubble necklace whenever i visit the moma store. what a statement piece.

2/ eames. red. rocking chair. enough said. 

3/ this mug is so rad. i always see them around the shops in williamsburg..

4/ my mum has a iacoli & mcallister necklace like this one. but this one is way cooler.

5/ noguchi lamps = life. i think i need another one...

6/ "but mom it's a house nightlight!"

7/ this mason jar candle smells like heaven. fig heaven.

8/ i am love with everything associated with building block. especially this bag.

9/ a stainless steel ring? count me in, please.


what is on your wish list this season? 

have a stress-free weekend everyone!